Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Two Degrees: Are You Sitting Comfortably? Revolution

Image Copyright: Anna Lenihan | Image Source: ArtsAdmin
17th June 2011
8pm | £8
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street London E1 6AB
T 020 7650 2350

From: ArtsAdmin
"We’re channeling the revolutionary spirit of the literary salons of 18th Century France, so sit back, eat (free) cake, and get comfortable whilst White Rabbit entertain you with an evening of original short stories written by local rabble-rousers, rebels and hell-raisers, read by a team of anarchic dandies. In the sumptuous candle-lit surrounds of the Arts Bar & Café, part Mad Hatter’s party, part 1930s tearoom, there’ll also be literary competitions and prizes and even the odd firework.

Call for stories: We’re looking for stories of around 1000 words on the theme of revolution to be read at the event. If you have a story please send to (deadline 3 June)...."
More here

This is just one of many exciting and inspiring events organised by Two Degrees for the 2011 Festival running from 12th to 18th June. Have a look at the full programme here.

"Two Degrees 2011 reflects world events since the first festival in 2009: failed climate treaty negotiations, financial disasters and government cuts. Protest and activism have hit the headlines, from revolutionary movements in the Middle East to London’s biggest protests for nearly ten years. And away from the mainstream media eye there is a growth of alternative and inspiring solutions to our impending climate crisis.

Sitting between art and activism, performance and protest, this year’s festival is a chance to be part of artist led actions; tell your own revolutionary story, help eradicate an invasive species, go on a mass bingo bike ride, ask an expert about the future or exchange your own personal and political views for a free haircut.

Join in, take part and make your voice heard.

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