ReUse inspires positive social change through its work, encouraging us to rethink what we already have and drawing us away from the notion that much of what we have and use is disposable and therefore lacking in meaningful value. Like an increasing number of art collectives in the UK and internationally, ReUse also displays artwork in empty spaces, making good use of what is already there and challenging ideas about neglected public space.
If you happen to be nearby Tel Aviv, Israel this weekend, pop along and be inspired. If it's a bit far to travel, check out previous exhibitions and work at the ReUse website and on flickr.
From: ReUse And Resist
"ReUsing IS resisting. When you rethink an object, space or, idea, you, by default, are shedding the idea that the pre-fabricated product sold to you is only created for a one time use...People around the world have their ways of reusing, but public artists display an activist role in reusing the largest thing possible: public space. Over 100 artists this year, coming together to REUSE & RESIST! By any means, possible, this is the show to see...
Witness the positive power of art in public space... watch and learn as this mid-east graffiti / street art energy inspires the collective population & challenges the social issue of neglected & abandoned space... Come and see DIY and public art culture blend as INSPIRE Collective shows us all how reusing and creatively rethinking neglected space is better for us all.
The streets of Tel Aviv will never be the same...there is a better way, no matter what they say! Present-day cities, the world over, have massive percentages of un-used & generally neglected public space. By itself, this fact quickly becomes its own negative social issue & it isn’t a phenomenon, it’s a disgusting norm of all industrialized cities at this point. WE MUST REUSE AND RESIST!!
But how?! Many social issues could be already solved by ReUsing & re-thinking public space. This year, let’s stop talking about it and started getting things done!
Location to be announced online 24 hours before the shows opening on May 27th."
Further Info: ReUse And Resist / Inspire Collective / Flickr - ReUse Project 4
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