...the 14 days up to 17th November, have seen hundreds of protests and demonstrations all over the globe. Anti-nuclear, animal rights , anti-globalisation, workers' rights, political freedoms, sexuality rights, government dissatisfaction, student protests at education cuts and much more. Is our long-germinating unease with the various status quo that have too long ruled our worlds, finally sprouting buds across the planet?

Whilst our so called 'leaders' fail us and continue to live under the delusion that current systems of 'civilisation' will and must continue, are we finally waking up to the realisation that change is necessary yet nothing will change unless we actively assist with changing it? Have we stopped believing the lies that keep us trapped in apathy? We can and we will bring about change for the better. It has already begun...

From: In Protest - The Big Picture - Boston.com
"Taking their desires to be heard to the streets, thousands of protesters and demonstrators around the world have recently been marching, shouting, praying, and engaging in both theater and violence to make their points. From quiet, prayerful requests for peace in Mexico to the violent takeover of an office building in London to student demonstrators in Chile and gay rights activists making a statement to the Pope in Spain, the past two weeks has been full of protest.

Their reasons are many - anger with austerity measures, frustration with incumbent governments and globalization, frustration with policies in other countries - even protests against other protesters. Collected here is a view of protests and demonstrations around the world over the past two weeks."
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