Friday, 6 May 2011

Craft & Design Month

Did you know that May is officially UK Craft & Design Month? This celebration and promotion of crafty design across the UK has been organised by Craft & Design Magazine who hope to raise profiles of the plethora of creative craftspeople and groups working in the UK and encourage our support of these amazing skills.

With Workshops, Open Studios, Exhibtions, Courses, Craft Fairs and more taking place, May is the month for new-to-craft folk to get involved by supporting and exploring our craft & design heritage and future. For creatives who want to take part, sharing talents and promoting their work or business, Craft & Design Month can provide listings space.

From: Craft & Design Month
"Hundreds of craft events already take place successfully every year during the month of May; now Craft and Design Month can bring them all together under one banner to collectively target national and regional media. There are also lots of opportunities for people to organise something especially for Craft and Design Month.

The overall aim is to achieve wider publicity and public awareness of the fine craft and design that exists in the UK today.

This project receives no funding or grant aid. It is entirely based on the simple concept of people working together for the benefit of the whole creative community and is sponsored by craft&design magazine, who have launched this unique opportunity to celebrate and promote crafts across the UK.

To find out more about the aims of Craft and Design Month, download our proposal 'An opportunity to help raise the profile of British Crafts'"

Further Info: Craft & Design Month

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