Almost 20 years ago, illustrious author Starhawk wrote an inspiring work of fiction called The Fifth Sacred Thing about a successful eco community living in California in a future some 30 odd years from now. Now, at a time when positive visions of our future are most needed, Starhawk and her team plan to make the story into a film. If you've read the book, intend to or simply like what you see in the promo below, please consider supporting the project to make this dream a reality. Thanks.
From: Kickstarter: The Fifth Sacred Thing
"They say that movies are collective dreams. If so, we’re heading for a nightmare—for there are very few films that show a positive future on earth. We want to change that. How can we create a thriving, just and balanced future if we can’t even imagine it? We want to bring alive a vision that can inspire people—and we’ve found the story in Starhawk’s novel, The Fifth Sacred Thing.
In the story, set in 2048, Northern California has survived eco-catastrophes, wars and epidemics and forged a society based on respect for the Four Sacred Things that support life: air, fire, water and earth. Streets are turned into gardens, streams flow free, people of all races and religions live in harmony – until the militarist Southlands attack. How can the people of a peaceful society fight against ruthless invaders without becoming what they’re fighting against? Musician-turned-guerilla Bird, his story-teller grandmother Maya, and Madrone, the healer, must wield a force more powerful than weapons—the fifth sacred thing..."
Read more and make a pledge here | Join the Facebook page
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Two Degrees: Are You Sitting Comfortably? Revolution
17th June 2011
8pm | £8
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street London E1 6AB
T 020 7650 2350
From: ArtsAdmin
"We’re channeling the revolutionary spirit of the literary salons of 18th Century France, so sit back, eat (free) cake, and get comfortable whilst White Rabbit entertain you with an evening of original short stories written by local rabble-rousers, rebels and hell-raisers, read by a team of anarchic dandies. In the sumptuous candle-lit surrounds of the Arts Bar & CafĂ©, part Mad Hatter’s party, part 1930s tearoom, there’ll also be literary competitions and prizes and even the odd firework.
Call for stories: We’re looking for stories of around 1000 words on the theme of revolution to be read at the event. If you have a story please send to (deadline 3 June)...." More here
This is just one of many exciting and inspiring events organised by Two Degrees for the 2011 Festival running from 12th to 18th June. Have a look at the full programme here.
"Two Degrees 2011 reflects world events since the first festival in 2009: failed climate treaty negotiations, financial disasters and government cuts. Protest and activism have hit the headlines, from revolutionary movements in the Middle East to London’s biggest protests for nearly ten years. And away from the mainstream media eye there is a growth of alternative and inspiring solutions to our impending climate crisis.
Sitting between art and activism, performance and protest, this year’s festival is a chance to be part of artist led actions; tell your own revolutionary story, help eradicate an invasive species, go on a mass bingo bike ride, ask an expert about the future or exchange your own personal and political views for a free haircut.
Join in, take part and make your voice heard."
8pm | £8
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street London E1 6AB
T 020 7650 2350
From: ArtsAdmin
"We’re channeling the revolutionary spirit of the literary salons of 18th Century France, so sit back, eat (free) cake, and get comfortable whilst White Rabbit entertain you with an evening of original short stories written by local rabble-rousers, rebels and hell-raisers, read by a team of anarchic dandies. In the sumptuous candle-lit surrounds of the Arts Bar & CafĂ©, part Mad Hatter’s party, part 1930s tearoom, there’ll also be literary competitions and prizes and even the odd firework.
Call for stories: We’re looking for stories of around 1000 words on the theme of revolution to be read at the event. If you have a story please send to (deadline 3 June)...." More here
This is just one of many exciting and inspiring events organised by Two Degrees for the 2011 Festival running from 12th to 18th June. Have a look at the full programme here.
"Two Degrees 2011 reflects world events since the first festival in 2009: failed climate treaty negotiations, financial disasters and government cuts. Protest and activism have hit the headlines, from revolutionary movements in the Middle East to London’s biggest protests for nearly ten years. And away from the mainstream media eye there is a growth of alternative and inspiring solutions to our impending climate crisis.
Sitting between art and activism, performance and protest, this year’s festival is a chance to be part of artist led actions; tell your own revolutionary story, help eradicate an invasive species, go on a mass bingo bike ride, ask an expert about the future or exchange your own personal and political views for a free haircut.
Join in, take part and make your voice heard."
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
ReUse And Resist, 27May11

ReUse inspires positive social change through its work, encouraging us to rethink what we already have and drawing us away from the notion that much of what we have and use is disposable and therefore lacking in meaningful value. Like an increasing number of art collectives in the UK and internationally, ReUse also displays artwork in empty spaces, making good use of what is already there and challenging ideas about neglected public space.
If you happen to be nearby Tel Aviv, Israel this weekend, pop along and be inspired. If it's a bit far to travel, check out previous exhibitions and work at the ReUse website and on flickr.
From: ReUse And Resist
"ReUsing IS resisting. When you rethink an object, space or, idea, you, by default, are shedding the idea that the pre-fabricated product sold to you is only created for a one time use...People around the world have their ways of reusing, but public artists display an activist role in reusing the largest thing possible: public space. Over 100 artists this year, coming together to REUSE & RESIST! By any means, possible, this is the show to see...
Witness the positive power of art in public space... watch and learn as this mid-east graffiti / street art energy inspires the collective population & challenges the social issue of neglected & abandoned space... Come and see DIY and public art culture blend as INSPIRE Collective shows us all how reusing and creatively rethinking neglected space is better for us all.
The streets of Tel Aviv will never be the same...there is a better way, no matter what they say! Present-day cities, the world over, have massive percentages of un-used & generally neglected public space. By itself, this fact quickly becomes its own negative social issue & it isn’t a phenomenon, it’s a disgusting norm of all industrialized cities at this point. WE MUST REUSE AND RESIST!!
But how?! Many social issues could be already solved by ReUsing & re-thinking public space. This year, let’s stop talking about it and started getting things done!
Location to be announced online 24 hours before the shows opening on May 27th."
Further Info: ReUse And Resist / Inspire Collective / Flickr - ReUse Project 4
inspire collective,
street art
Friday, 6 May 2011
Craft & Design Month
Did you know that May is officially UK Craft & Design Month? This celebration and promotion of crafty design across the UK has been organised by Craft & Design Magazine who hope to raise profiles of the plethora of creative craftspeople and groups working in the UK and encourage our support of these amazing skills.
With Workshops, Open Studios, Exhibtions, Courses, Craft Fairs and more taking place, May is the month for new-to-craft folk to get involved by supporting and exploring our craft & design heritage and future. For creatives who want to take part, sharing talents and promoting their work or business, Craft & Design Month can provide listings space.
From: Craft & Design Month
"Hundreds of craft events already take place successfully every year during the month of May; now Craft and Design Month can bring them all together under one banner to collectively target national and regional media. There are also lots of opportunities for people to organise something especially for Craft and Design Month.
The overall aim is to achieve wider publicity and public awareness of the fine craft and design that exists in the UK today.
This project receives no funding or grant aid. It is entirely based on the simple concept of people working together for the benefit of the whole creative community and is sponsored by craft&design magazine, who have launched this unique opportunity to celebrate and promote crafts across the UK.
To find out more about the aims of Craft and Design Month, download our proposal 'An opportunity to help raise the profile of British Crafts'"
Further Info: Craft & Design Month
With Workshops, Open Studios, Exhibtions, Courses, Craft Fairs and more taking place, May is the month for new-to-craft folk to get involved by supporting and exploring our craft & design heritage and future. For creatives who want to take part, sharing talents and promoting their work or business, Craft & Design Month can provide listings space.
From: Craft & Design Month
"Hundreds of craft events already take place successfully every year during the month of May; now Craft and Design Month can bring them all together under one banner to collectively target national and regional media. There are also lots of opportunities for people to organise something especially for Craft and Design Month.
The overall aim is to achieve wider publicity and public awareness of the fine craft and design that exists in the UK today.
This project receives no funding or grant aid. It is entirely based on the simple concept of people working together for the benefit of the whole creative community and is sponsored by craft&design magazine, who have launched this unique opportunity to celebrate and promote crafts across the UK.
To find out more about the aims of Craft and Design Month, download our proposal 'An opportunity to help raise the profile of British Crafts'"
Further Info: Craft & Design Month
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Possible Futures Film Contest
From: Possible Futures Film Contest
Here is our invitation to the storytellers of the world: Make a short film that Inspires us. Moves us. Gives us something to believe in.
Envision a new, positive, possible future for the world. One that is environmentally sustainable, socially just, peaceful and spiritually fulfilling.
The film contest includes awards valuing $30,000 that will be announced in July. Films can be 1 to 5 minutes in length and must be submitted by June 21st.
Dig into the contest guidelines and details
Register now to participate
The contest is open to filmmakers around the world and at all levels of expertise! The prizes add to 30K dollars and include trips for two to Ecuador's Amazon rainforest. A team of notable judges and the community of voters will decide the winners!Make a Film. Make a Difference"
Submissions end June 21st 2011 | No submission fees required
Further Info: Possible Futures Film Contest / Facebook
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Green Patriot Posters
The Canary Project have been working on a book called Green Patriot Posters which is full of designs based on WWII posters. The focus for the images in this publication has been updated from war-time efforts to promoting sustainable lifestyles and practices. There are some fabulous designs both in the book and on the website.
From: Green Patriot Posters - "During World War II the United States was able to mobilize industry and motivate its citizens in breathtaking speed. Factories were overhauled and consumption habits transformed. Strong, graphically compelling posters played a crucial role in the success of this campaign. These posters presented the actions of individual citizens as vital for the nation and portrayed those who took part as attractive, dynamic American heroes.
Today a similar mobilization is required to address the crisis of global climate change and achieve energy independence. That’s why The Canary Project and its partners have launched Green Patriot Posters..." More here
From: Green Patriot Posters - "During World War II the United States was able to mobilize industry and motivate its citizens in breathtaking speed. Factories were overhauled and consumption habits transformed. Strong, graphically compelling posters played a crucial role in the success of this campaign. These posters presented the actions of individual citizens as vital for the nation and portrayed those who took part as attractive, dynamic American heroes.
Today a similar mobilization is required to address the crisis of global climate change and achieve energy independence. That’s why The Canary Project and its partners have launched Green Patriot Posters..." More here
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Creative Plastic Recycling
Given its dependence on fossil fuels and inability to decompose without taking an age and releasing noxious poisons into our atmosphere and waterways, bAA has a very uneasy relationship with plastic, actively trying to avoid it in day-to-day life as much as is possible. This is difficult as when we start to take more than cursory notice of it, we realise plastic is everywhere - in the laptop I type on, the lamp lighting my desk, the old mini toy chest converted into a ribbon box, my beloved Janome sewing machine and that's just within my immediate radius.
The fake aura of disposability that plastic seems to exude is also frustrating particularly in conjunction with our seemingly effortless ability to accept it despite being aware of the devastating effects plastic has on the earth's resources, energy, our own health and the prosperity of human and animal life on this beautiful planet.
No matter how hard we try not to purchase or acquire plastic objects or packaging, they seem to turn up everywhere. So, bAA was glad this morning to discover two completely ingenious ways of recycling just some of the plastic plethora we propagate!
The first idea, How to build your own Recycled Plastic Bottle Greenhouse is from Moray Greenspace Education Project which gives detailed but simple instruction on building a greenhouse from a timber frame and recycled plastic drink bottles. Depending on the size of greenhouse this could involve an awful lot of bottles but if it rescues a thousand odd bottles from going to landfill at least for a little while longer, that sounds worthwhile to me - not to mention the benefits of growing fruit and veg in a home-made greenhouse! Download the PDF instructions here.
The other creative idea comes from Make Magazine (YouTube) whose video Make A Messenger Bag Out Of Trash Bags! (below) shows how to fuse sewable sheets from plastic bags and turn them into useful items such as this messenger bag.
We're a teensy bit concerned about toxins that may emanate from heating the plastic bags but think this re-use project may well be worth the small risk. If you know better, please leave a comment and if you try either or both of these projects do let us know how you get on.
Happy recycling and a happy 2011 to all bluAngelAlmanac readers. May it bring much happiness, creativity, sustainable fun and many blessings to us all.
Further Info: REAP Scotland Greenspaces / Make Magazine
The fake aura of disposability that plastic seems to exude is also frustrating particularly in conjunction with our seemingly effortless ability to accept it despite being aware of the devastating effects plastic has on the earth's resources, energy, our own health and the prosperity of human and animal life on this beautiful planet.
No matter how hard we try not to purchase or acquire plastic objects or packaging, they seem to turn up everywhere. So, bAA was glad this morning to discover two completely ingenious ways of recycling just some of the plastic plethora we propagate!
The first idea, How to build your own Recycled Plastic Bottle Greenhouse is from Moray Greenspace Education Project which gives detailed but simple instruction on building a greenhouse from a timber frame and recycled plastic drink bottles. Depending on the size of greenhouse this could involve an awful lot of bottles but if it rescues a thousand odd bottles from going to landfill at least for a little while longer, that sounds worthwhile to me - not to mention the benefits of growing fruit and veg in a home-made greenhouse! Download the PDF instructions here.
The other creative idea comes from Make Magazine (YouTube) whose video Make A Messenger Bag Out Of Trash Bags! (below) shows how to fuse sewable sheets from plastic bags and turn them into useful items such as this messenger bag.
We're a teensy bit concerned about toxins that may emanate from heating the plastic bags but think this re-use project may well be worth the small risk. If you know better, please leave a comment and if you try either or both of these projects do let us know how you get on.
Happy recycling and a happy 2011 to all bluAngelAlmanac readers. May it bring much happiness, creativity, sustainable fun and many blessings to us all.
Further Info: REAP Scotland Greenspaces / Make Magazine
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