Wednesday, 15 April 2009

bAd Reconstructions Mar09

Here's some recycled stuff I made earlier...

bAd Reconstructions Mar09bAd ReconstructionsFurther images, some methodology and more reconstructions are available to view at flickr in my bAd Reconstructions set.

Wardrobe RefashionSome images have also been posted on Nikki-Shell's rather wonderful Wardrobe Refashion Blog where users can take a 2 / 4 / 6 month or lifetime pledge to refashion, renovate, recycle pre-loved items for the term of the contract.

Anyone keen to re-use, mend, make-do, create their own designs from salvaged, pre-loved, vintage and recycled material using already available resources? Ready to eschew the buying of identikit, high-street, 'tres fashionable darling but only for a season', pre-made, new clothing manufactured from unethical and unsustainable materials fabricated into the latest trend by faceless, underpaid and undervalued persons in far flung factories that only feed the fashion industry and disparage both farmers, producers, manufacturers and consumers? Then sign up here.

1 comment:

Duffle Coat - Myra said...

Looks wonderful. Great reading your post as well. thanks