Here are just a few of the beautiful, fascinating and enchanting photographs of Diwali celebrations around the world collected by's The Big Picture: More here
Anna Goodson Management are holding their annual Pumpkin Carving Competition which this year is open to the public as well as AGM artists - hurrah! Vote for your favourites, be inspired and get carving here.
Manick Govinda, Visiting Artists Campaign Co-ordinator at Artsadmin writes seeking assitance in the petition against the UK's ridiculous laws hindering overseas artists from visiting the UK, making it difficult for some and impossible for others. Please sign the petition if you agree that these draconian measures do nothing but hinder the vital growth and development of global arts and culture.
"The petition against the home office's ludicrous restrictions preventing non-EU artists and academics from participating [in] the UKs cultural life is getting closer to our target of 10,000 signatories. When we reach our target we will send a delegation to 10 Downing Street with the petition. We're nearly there, but I'm writing to you for your help.
The points based system which replaced the far more flexible work permits will be a year old on 27 November. We want to hand the petition in by that date to mark that moment when our freedom to invite artists, writers, poets, dancers, musicians, academics and intellectuals - professionals and amateurs - were [sic] taken away from us.
Very recent examples of barred entry included: * US artist Cristina Winsor detained and deported for allegedly intending to sell 2 small paintings at a local arts event in east London * US artist MP Landis, his wife and 4 month baby detained and deported for not having the correct paperwork; Glenfiddich Distilleries invited him for a summer residency * Indian artist Anirban Mitra refused a visa for the same residency opportunity after waiting for 4 months for a decision at great expense * Russian author Sergei Mironenko of Memorial and Evgeni Tsymbal, Russian film director, were were refused visas despite being invited by reputable organizations (the London Book Fair and Queen Mary University of London respectively) * The Lahore Pipe Band from Pakistan were refused visas to participate in Scotland’s World Pipe Band Championships
The home office and the UKBA needs to get a sense of proportion. Hundreds of community, amateur and cultural groups are being affected as well as big national arts institutions.
We need to send a loud message to the Home Office that these ludicrous regulations need to be seriously reviewed and reconsidered. This petition has collected a huge breadth of voices from all walks of life, nationalities, political and religious persuasions.
If you haven't signed it, PLEASE do so. If each of you can persuade a friend, colleague or family member to sign the petition then we've more than reached our target."
"This threatens the exchange of ideas in the arts and sciences which means so much to our culture and also helps promote the cause of international good will. These new regulations will have the very opposite effect of that intended. It will also tend to make UK security authorities something of a laughing stock, since it so obviously exemplifies the narrow bureaucratic mind at its most foolish." Petition signatory, Michael Moorcock - editor/journalist/novelist
"A few months ago I attended Marina Abramovic presents during the Manchester International Festival. This was undoubtedly one of the most important performance art events to occur in Britain for many years, and there was an empty space where there should have been an artist from Indonesia. The organisers had to explain that the artist had run into visa trouble. Thousands of people attended this event. This means that another several thousand people now see the Border Agency, and the whole policing and population control infrastructure of the United Kingdom, as mean and ridiculous. Why bother having the British Council to promote British culture abroad when you have this stupid agency and these stupid laws undermining all the work that it does to earn respect for the United Kingdom?" Petition signatory, Robert Persson, artist.
Artist: Christian Olsen Music: Jonas Werner Compositing and After Effects: Andreas Blinkenberg
"This video was created by Greenpeace for the Copenhagen screening of the Global Premiere of The Age of Stupid. It was shown at the IMAX Planetarium theatre by the lakes in Copenhagen on the 22nd of September, leading up to the COP-15 Summit."More here
Warming the very cockles of our heart shaped craft world, wonderful news from the knitting world has reached the open doors of bluAngel Almanac. Not only is there heaps going on as usual in the I Knit London department - including book groups, book talks, a knitting weekender, Sunday knit roast (yum) and some fascinating and enchanting films about Lower Marsh SE1 and local specialist shops by getcarterpr - but... wait for it... iknitlinks has begun... *contented, feel-good sigh*
But, what is iknitlinks? I here you cry, eager to share in this wealth of loveliness. Let me tell you. iknitlinks is an extraordinary knitting community in the making. This wonderful non-profit community interest company (check it) has been set up by I Knit London needle master Gerard and Stitchlinks' yarn guru Betsan. And their mission? To make a positive difference in the world through knitting. Bless them... no, really - may a thousand blessings rain down upon them and iknitlinks!
Before we get too gushy and teary over this quite lovely enterprise where all profits are directed back into the business (as should happen in all business) and users are aided and encouraged to set up and join our own local community groups for social, health, well-being, educational and any other socially beneficial reason, we'll let iknitlinks explain the project in their own words. "I Knit Links is a non-profit Community Interest Company (CIC). As a CIC iknitlinks profits are ploughed back to benefit our knitting community not the company owners.
How it started: Knitting brought together Betsan from Stitchlinks and Gerard from I Knit London. The idea for iknitlinks grew from our friendship and our mutual desire to use knitting to make a difference in the world...
We will: - Set up a network of knitting groups with the purpose of building local communities. - Provide a communication network for local community groups to communicate globally. - Provide an infrastructure for group leaders around the world.
Our groups will provide a place: - For local people to meet, chat and knit. - Where knitters and potential knitters from all backgrounds, beliefs and age groups can mix and make friends to grow safe community networks. - To grow self esteem and social confidence through learning a new skill or developing and sharing existing knitting abilities.
Our aims are to: - Promote wellness and positive living. - Build supportive local and global communities through knitting groups. - Provide information, training and on going support for group leaders. - Provide a communication network for group leaders and group participants. - Put into immediate practice the information arising for Stitchlinks’ research. - Share our expertise with you.
We believe that by changing and nurturing local communities we can ultimately change and nurture the world! Why not join us to be the change you want to see in the world and make this happen?"
bluAngel Almanac is truly touched and inspired. Once you've dried your eyes and thanked the universe for such beautiful people with insightful, generous ideas find out more and sign up here.
Looking for some lovely fibre to spin into wintry warmers and gifts but want to support local producers? Look no further than Blacker Designs (previously known as The Natural Fibre) who also sell natural and dyed organic fibres - yum! Needles and hooks ready? Let's go!
"All the fleece we use for our yarns, and all that used in Blacker Designs' products, is British and processed at our mill at Launceston on the Devon-Cornwall border... Our fibre comes from four different kinds of animal: sheep, alpacas, goats and angora rabbits. We use silkworms, too, which are an entirely different form of animal life; the Tussah silk we use does not kill the silkworm. The main source of our raw materials are sheep. It was Rudyard Kipling who wrote 'poor little lambs have lost their way' and 'little black sheep who've gone astray'. But if you think that one little black sheep is the same as the next, then think again. There are over 60 different breeds living in the UK alone and in the last three years we've processed fleece from over 50 of them."
"PLAYING FOR CHANGE is a musical exploration that glides across four continents, revealing a relentless insight of humanity that strives for global unification. It is a story of hope, struggle, perseverance, joy, and celebration. It is a story of human ambition to overcome prejudices, separation, natural hardships, and evil existing in our world today. It’s passion, it’s path, and at times, it’s weapon, is music."
A variety of artists, some we may have heard of, others we need to know about, have created a wonderful set of cards to help raise funds for Shelter, the charity working to provide homes, advice and shelter to an increasing number of people affected by the crisis in housing.
The pack contains some amazing designs and thought provoking images from artists and designers including Vivienne Westwood, Nick Park, Damien Hirst, Amelia's Magazine, Giles Deacon, Ron Arad, Terence Conran and many more. Shuffle the deck here and visit this short exhibition over the weekend (free entry).
Date: 24 - 28 September 2009 Venue: Haunch of Venison Gallery, 6 Burlington Gardens, London W1S 3ET | Tube: Green Park Open: 10am - 6pm Mon-Fri | 10am - 5pm Sat
From: Suke Driver, Londonist 24Sep09 "Inspired by Shelter’s House of Cards ad campaign, 52 of the country’s leading artists, including Rankin, Marc Quinn, David Bailey and Vivienne Westwood have created a unique collection of art for an exhibition and fundraising auction in support.
Members of the public can place silent bids on the artwork throughout the exhibition, with a selection of the pieces going into a live auction on the closing night. Also included is a 53rd card created by member of the public, Mauricio Ortiz, chosen through a nationwide competition launched by Shelter and Metro newspapers. Shelter chief executive Sam Younger laid his cards on the table: “The exhibition will help raise vital awareness of the depth of Britain’s housing crisis. With an estimated 65,000 homes facing repossession this year and 6 million households suffering stress and depression because of housing costs, more and more people are coming to Shelter for help and support.”
One thousand limited edition oversized packs of cards featuring the artwork from the exhibition will be on sale at from Thursday 24 September. All profits from the sale of these cards, which retail at £70, will go to Shelter."
Ooooh, oooh, oooh! Look what those clever folk at Knit The City have created! Woollen fruit, flowers and other bits strewn across London's churches in a wonderful knitted tribute to the nursery rhyme, Oranges And Lemons - gorgeous!
This Yarnstorm is but one of Knit The City's extravagant creations. While Banksy is busy cutting stencils, these crafters are embroiled in needle and yarn guerrilla art works covering the city of London in their colourful work. We like!
From: Knit The City "Knit the City are a crack team of woolly warriors turning the city Knitwise since February 2009. Knit the City are part of an ongoing campaign to guerrilla knit the city of London, and beyond that the world. No part of the city is safe from Knit the City’s woolly war on the mundane, humdrum and expected. We will bring woolly sunshine to you where ever you dwell. We’re nice like that."
"“Mister Rogers & Me” is a story of personal inspiration and discovery, a hero's quest that begins on an Nantucket summer afternoon we spent together in 2001, then sets out on America's highways and skyways to understand the basis for and manifestations of “deep and simple" from some of media's strongest voices."
Nine years ago, Benjamin Wagner met Fred Rogers, famed '70s US TV presenter of children's show 'Mister Rogers' Neighbourhood'. Benjamin was moved by the sincerity of this character whose quirky, slightly surreal at times but very well intentioned TV show meant so much to many children and adults alike.
"I was sitting with Mister Rogers in the candle light of my thirty-first birthday cake. Outside, a thunderstorm was blowing through Nantucket. I told him that I often thought about our conversation the summer prior during which he said to me, "I feel so strongly that deep and simple is far more essential than shallow and complex." His message stuck with me, I said. "Spread the message," Mister Rogers told me. "Spread the message." Three years later, I continue to spread the message."
Over at Ecomonkey we have been extolling the virtues of bicycle riding and our obsession with rider voyerism in Bicycle Lust. We are discovering we are by no means alone in our urban-two-wheeler adoration. All across the web photographers and writers are sharing their views of city bicycle heaven and offering heaps of advice and tips for wannabe and experienced urban cyclists all over the globe.
Here is a small sample of our current favourites: Basket Full Of Beautiful Image Copyright: busbozo / Adrienne Johnson In San Francisco we find Adrienne who as well as posting her beautiful photos to flickr and various other bike and spiritually minded ventures, co-writes the Change Your Life Ride A Bike blog. A space "for people to share how riding a bike has changed how they see themselves and the world!" - check it out.
Change Your Life Ride A Bike's other author is the equally stylish urban gal, Meligrosa of Bikes And The City - everything you wanted to know about San Fran bikes, boys, coffee and more.
0421 rain is better with an umbrella Image Copyright: Toronto Bike Chic Toronto Bike Chic is a previous incarnation by Canadian flickrites Xander N'Dante who currently write and photograph 416 Cycle Style "From the multicultural flavored streets of the 416, we span the neighborhoods and asphalt in search of new aromas and combinations of visual and edible delights. Armed with a crank and a camera we search. Freezing moments in time of the familliar strangers sharing space and riding by. Brothers on Bicycles" - we like!
From a suburb closer to home, in Hackney no less, Urban Cycle Chic delivers a feast of info about bike fashion and recycling. "Urban Cycle Chic is a blog encouraging stylish, affordable bike culture ... The ethos is that the city is an arena for bike and rider thrive in and urban cycling is about leading a more active, spontaneous lifestyle despite spiralling congestion and vehicle ownership headaches. It's less about lycra and more about jumping on a bike in whatever you're wearing. Indeed, urban cycling is fast becoming a catwalk on wheels." - we couldn't agree more!
If all this stylishness has left you craving a bike chic consumer fix, check out the London Cycle Chic store where glamour and functionality meet. Or better still, get creative and re-design, re-fashion and re-cycle your current clothing to suit your bike lifestyle.
Post World War I design and architecture virtually rejected the natural world in favour of celebrating man-made forms. This predilection led to some extraordinarily complex and arguably beautiful works of engineering and architectural design which were in turn displayed to near perfection by a compatible photography equally obsessed with abstract geometric form, vast scale and starkly contrasted tones.
In Framing Modernism - Architecture & Photography in Italy 1926-1965, the current exhibition of more than 100 images from the RIBA archives, this correlation of medium is analysed from a design perspective. In reviewing the exhibition for A World To Win, Corinna Lotz wonders why, particularly given the current political climate, the evident implications, inspiration and political issues that led to this world changing movement, have been underplayed.
From: Corinna Lotz, A World To Win, 7May09 "...Framing Modernism offers a chance to widen debates over Modernism’s legacy ... This outing of vintage and new prints from original negatives could provide a new case study in how Modernism related to political power structures and the reality of people’s daily lives ... Angiolo Mazzoni’s Marine Colony seaside camp is dedicated to Mussolini’s mother Rosa Maltoni ... If you didn’t know it was built to glorify Hitler’s ally, you could be forgiven for seeing it as a great effort to provide masses of school children with the chance of a sea-side holiday. As David Crowley has noted: “The years after Mussolini’s consolidation of power in October 1926 were marked by a strong degree of cultural pluralism … at the same time, artists and designers of all stripes were keen to court power.”" Read the full review here
Framing Modernism is on show at the Estorick Collection, Highbury until 21 June.
Vocational training for unemployed; workshops; experience and education for marginalised youth; confidence and inspiration growth; commissions; community outreach; wood reclamation and re-use; products designed and constructed by trainees; sold to local councils, charities and others - all in a days work for social enterprise scheme, Furniture On The Street (FOS).
Based in Tower Hamlets, the project has so far provided training for 37 people, helping them back or on to work producing quality pieces of local street furniture. Whilst local communities benefit from the divertion of young people from unemployment to skilled trade this inspiring initiative also ensures that timber from London's demolition sites is diverted from landfill and turned instead into useful products for the London community. A win-win situation.
"Furniture On The Street supplies high quality contemporary street furniture aimed at local authorities, housing associations, landscape designers and building contractors. The enterprise was established by the Old Ford Housing Association, part of Circle Anglia with grant funding from the European Social Fund (ESF). The project is based in Bow, in a socially deprived area of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, and was part of a regeneration initiative which grew out of a training programme for local youths in furniture making."
"Art Not Oil aims to encourage artists - and would-be artists - to create work that explores the damage that companies like BP and Shell are doing to the planet, and the role art can play in counteracting that damage.
It is designed in part to paint a truer portrait of an oil company than the caring image manufactured by events such as the BP Portrait Award, Shell's sponsorship of classic drama at the National Theatre, and other 'cultural activities' of the oil multinationals which also happen to divert public attention away from their actual activities. Climate chaos is set to have a catastrophic effect on all of us, while hitting the poorest hardest. The companies most responsible are profiting handsomely, yet they're still welcome it seems in many of our most prestigious public galleries and museums."
The Papered Parlour is a fabulous new art space set up by Claire & Louise, two young south London artists in Clapham. Providing a variety of classes, exhibitions and studio places, the parlour is designed to be a drop in space for artists, art-lovers, crafsters and anyone in the community who would like to get involved.
The Papered Parlour classes, taught by University of the Arts London graduates, take influence from the Make Do And Mend approach of the post war period. Promoting sustainability, classes aim to use recycled fabrics as much as possible.
For children and youthful adults alike vintage themed parties can be enjoyed at the Parlour. The Mad Hatter's Tea Party and Wonka Chocolate Challenge will keep young ones entertained as well as creatively challenged whilst grown up cocktail parties and dances are available for retro hipsters.
Promoting sustainable creativity, revolutionary craft and community participation, The Papered Parlour sounds so delightfully magical that we can't wait to visit. To celebrate the launch of this delightful addition to South London's creative community, The Papered Parlour is hosting a free Open Day this Saturday. Pop down to Prescott Place to meet the artists and help them celebrate:
"10.30am - 12.30pm - Exhibition Preview: What Comes Around Katherine May and Clara Vuletich ‘upcycle’ mid century furniture with pre loved fabrics. Featuring contemporary quilted upholstery alongside hand printed wallpaper.
11.30am – 3.30pm - Craft Kiosk Shop at our bustling indoor market showcasing inspirational work by some of London’s top designer-makers.
12.30pm – 3.30pm - The Great Proletarian Clothes Swap From Hermes to High Street, come along to swap and customise unwanted items of clothing. With designers on hand to help you cut, print and sew your way to couture heaven - you’re guaranteed to leave with a fabulous addition to your wardrobe.
1.30pm – 4.00pm - Fidgeting Finger Fun Keep your fidgeting fingers busy for hours! Parents and kids join forces to stitch and stuff revolutionary mutant mascots from second hand toys.
4pm - 6pm - Tea Dance Enjoy a slice of mid-century glamour. Expect top notch tea and indulgent cakes accompanied by music hall legend Vic Charters."
The Papered Parlour 7 Prescott Place, London, SW4 6BS 020 7627 8703 The Papered Parlour
My Forever Dress looks like an absolute treasure of a book written by Harriet Ziefert and beautifully illustrated by Liz Murphy. The story follows the life of a dress made for a young girl by her grandmother and all its reincarnations as Granny adjusts and re-designs the garment to suit the girl's changing needs and tastes as she grows up.
From: Chronicle Books "My Forever Dress: A story about sewing and sharing, recycling and remembering, this book follows a special party dress a grandmother makes for her granddaughter. When her granddaughter grows taller, new fabric is added. The next year, the dress is ingeniously turned into a sleeveless jumper. Finally, when the little girl turns ten and is ready for a new outfit, she decides to give the dress to her little cousin so it can be her forever dress."
Further images, some methodology and more reconstructions are available to view at flickr in my bAd Reconstructions set.
Some images have also been posted on Nikki-Shell's rather wonderful Wardrobe Refashion Blog where users can take a 2 / 4 / 6 month or lifetime pledge to refashion, renovate, recycle pre-loved items for the term of the contract.
Anyone keen to re-use, mend, make-do, create their own designs from salvaged, pre-loved, vintage and recycled material using already available resources? Ready to eschew the buying of identikit, high-street, 'tres fashionable darling but only for a season', pre-made, new clothing manufactured from unethical and unsustainable materials fabricated into the latest trend by faceless, underpaid and undervalued persons in far flung factories that only feed the fashion industry and disparage both farmers, producers, manufacturers and consumers? Then sign up here.
Those clever folk at Reclaim The Sheets have been busy distributing copies of FT2020 in London today. With their special link up to journalists living in 2020 - that's the future to you and I - Reclaim The Sheets have managed to tele-transport several copies of FT back to 2009. Pick up your copy from the streets or view online. News from the future is here.
"“Capitalism doesn’t work in a free market ... To function, it needs regulating, and to thrive it requires manipulation.” Britain’s break with dominator culture started at the 2009 climate talks, though the Copenhagen Consensus deleted all reference to it. Instead, that deal was framed as “sustaining ethical business, going forward.” Today’s propaganda release is more forthright, describing post-ideology as “a framework-based market, not the market-based framework” of times past. “If you gave more than you got you were always a loser,” the statement concludes. “But we were only winning by claiming our economies were ‘growing’, and to do that we had to take much more than we gave.”
COPYLEFT Not The Financial Times 2020All wrongs reserved."
Below is photographic evidence that ArTea Party took place earlier this month at The County Arms in Wandsworth. Guests and hosts alike enjoyed an afternoon of tea, cake, art, raffle prizes and tombola - what better way to spend a Saturday in March!
Together we raised over £230 for WFTC which will be put to good use on upcoming projects taking place in the borough soon! Keep and eye out, stay up to date and find out how you can be a part of the Wandsworth Fairtrade Campaign here.
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who took part behind the scenes and on the day: planners, artists, bakers, Wandsworth Guardian, Chris Gray, Divine Chocolate, The Co-operative, Abel & Cole, family and friends, WFTC, The County Arms and all our guests for coming down, eating cake, having fun and supporting the cause - it was lovely to meet you all - Cheers!
Is this the future of reading fairy tales and stories to our kids and grand kids? Probably. If we allow this wasteful consumerist society to continue. Let it go! Now.
From Ada Lovelace Day "Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging to draw attention to women excelling in technology. Women's contributions often go unacknowledged, their innovations seldom mentioned, their faces rarely recognised. We want you to tell the world about these unsung heroines. Whatever she does, whether she is a sysadmin or a tech entrepreneur, a programmer or a designer, developing software or hardware, a tech journalist or a tech consultant, we want to celebrate her achievements."
From: Visiting Artists and Academics Petition "The UK Home Office has introduced new bureaucratic procedures for organisations that wish to invite non-EU artists and academics to the UK ... we are dismayed by these new regulations - which will curb our invitations to non-EU artists and academics to visit the UK for talks, artist residencies, conferences and temporary exhibitions.
The system is costly to both the host organisation and to the visitor, and has already meant a number of cancelled exhibitions and concerts. All non-EU visitors now must apply for a visa in person, and supply biometric data, electronic fingerprint scans and a digital photograph ... visitors must show that they have at least £800 pounds of personal savings, which have been held for at least three months prior to the date of their application; the host organisation must keep copies of the visitor’s passport and their UK Biometric Card, and a history of their contact details; and if the visitor does not turn up to their studio or place of work, or their whereabouts is unknown, the organisation is legally obliged to inform the UK Border Agency..."
Love this work by Kotki Dwa! Reminds me of Gondry's movie The Science Of Sleep. It must have taken ages to make that beautiful set full of brightly coloured everythings, including buttons, candles, crayons, paper plants and houses, real daises, live and naughty gingerbread men (quick! eat them!) and a whole plethora of loveliness - ahhh!
The tune's pretty cool too - enjoy! More info about Robin's Clogs can be found here and for further details on Kotki Dwa try this.
The Age Of Stupid film from Spanner Films is almost here. UK Release Date 20 March 2009 | Venue 35 cinemas across the UK
From: The Age Of Stupid "If the first week's release is a success, the film will expand to more cinemas in the second week. It all depends on the box office receipts, so please take 10 friends, or your hockey club or your school class."
How cool is this! Michel Gondry made the video for Kiwi band Steriograms's Walkie Talkie Man. It is full of yarn and knit - very lovely and oh so clever - we like!
The Earthman Project is a not-for-profit organisation based in Florida, USA that uses the powerful mediums of music, art and technology to inspire both kids and adults to protect our environment, teach the importance of conservation and promote the power of creative action.
Garden Girl is such an inspiration - is there anything creative this women cannot do! In this video (part of a series) we are shown how easy it is (relatively speaking) to spin a bobbin full of yarn from natural fibres. But, not content with sourcing natural fibres, presumably from her local shop or farm, the ever resourceful Garden Girl has literally fleeced some freshest of fresh angora from her bunny rabbit - wow! Unlike commercial media that seems to thrive on making sustainability appear like a very nice but practically impossible to attain nirvana, Garden Girl's videos make us feel as though a simple, sustainable and beautifully creative life is readily available for us all. All it takes is a bit of learning and re-learning. Garden Girl helpfully provides us with easy to follow lessons. Watch, rate, subscribe and be inspired!
Persepolis is a wonderful book by Marjane Satrapi about growing up in Iran and her family's experience of the Islamic Revolution. This is not the same telling that has been expounded by conventional media.
Marjane's story gives a fresh perspective on both Iranian daily life and the life-changing impact of huge cultural, political and religious change. Taking the form of a graphic novel the book, Persepolis imaginatively portrays these events from both an historical and the unique perspective of a child.
If you are a yarn artist in London pop along to Kniterati - I Knit's book group evening on 3rd March from 7pm where Perspeolis will be reviewed amidst the knitting and crochet.
From: Pantheon Graphic Novels "Originally published to wide critical acclaim in France, where it elicited comparisons to Art Spiegelman's Maus, Persepolis is Marjane Satrapi's wise, funny, and heartbreaking memoir of growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. In powerful black-and-white comic strip images, Satrapi tells the story of her life in Tehran from ages six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken only child of committed Marxists and the great-granddaughter of one of Iran's last emperors, Marjane bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country."
The deadline for application to be a part of ArTea Party Wandsworth next month has been extended until Saturday 7th February so there is still time to apply for a spot in our eco art & craft exhibition sale.
Jenny Wicks is a photographer on a mission. Her aim? To encourage ideas and challenge our thoughts about WHO we are, WHY we are the way we are, how we may be MORE defined by our family than we care to admit or even contemplate, and why some people have RED hair!
Root Ginger, Jenny's project on this theme, is full of stunning portraits of children and adults blessed with red and ginger hair. The exhibition will be held at the Idea Generation gallery from Tuesday 17th February until Sunday 1st March.
From: Jenny Wicks Photography: "Red hair is the last bastion of political incorrectness and although you cannot compare it wholly with the treatment of other minority groups I think it does illustrate how some members of society act towards people who simply look different to them."
The exhibition will also see the launch of Root Ginger the book and film of which a sneak preview can be viewed above. All 3 aspects of the project are intended to raise funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust who provide information, support and research into the UK's most common inherited, life-threatening disease.
Root Ginger 17th Feb - 1st March 2009 Idea Generation 1 Chance Street, London E2 7JB
There is still time to be part of the Wandsworth Fairtrade Tea Party extravaganza that will be ArTea Party II this March! But the deadline is Sunday 1st February so get your skates and creative thinking cap on and apply by email today!
ArTea Party Wandsworth Saturday 7th March 2009 The County Arms 345 Trinity Road, Wandsworth London SW18 3SH
These photographs, some astounding, some heart-breaking, some mind numbing, are from different sources compiled on The Big Picture section of They tell a story that we often, for many different reasons, do not want to hear, prefering to cosset ourselves away in the 'safe' world of work and home and TV and food and work and shopping/pub/church and home and TV etc etc.
From: Big Picture "Tens of thousands of Africans - men, women and children fleeing their homeland - attempt to make the perilous trip from their home countries to Europe every year, seeking refuge, asylum and economic opportunity. Some travel thousands of miles overland, being handed from smuggler to smuggler, ending up at one of many ports in northern Africa, to be packed into makeshift boats and make treacherous sea crossings to European soil, to places like Spain's Canary Islands and tiny Malta where they hope to either sneak in unnoticed, or, if intercepted, be allowed to stay. Many do not survive the journey..."
Some Comments: "Many of the people in those photos come from coastal fishing communities. Their waters have been fished out by factory fishing and trawlers mostly from the EU and Asian countries. Off the coast of Somalia the fishing has been particularly devastating, and the Gulf of Guinea has suffered badly from overfishing. The EU countries have been dumping their toxic waste off Somalia for at least 15 years. A lot washed up during the tsunami. "Free" trade has also put a lot of African agriculture out of business with highly subsidized competition. These are major push out factors for workers in the developing world. Most people would rather stay in their own country if they can make a living there. But when you can’t make a living in one place, you’ll try and find a place where you can make a living. The alternative was voiced by a Zambian farmer-trade unionist . . . “If you will not pay us reasonable prices for our exports, we will export ourselves.”" Posted by xcroc January 23, 09 02:43 PM
"So many pictures, so many people. Not one smile, and that speaks volumes." Posted by Julia January 23, 09 04:16 PM
"heartbreaking -- how do i hide myself in my basic bauble of troubles? I who am just so lucky to be born in a place where how good I can replay my music is an ongoing obsession? How do I hide myself day after day when the world is full of such faces? Each just wanting a chance to eat a full meal, be able to name a child before 5 and know that their future is just? Yet my humanity at once blinds me and shows me -- this is the curse and the blessing of a feeble mind." Posted by septemous January 24, 09 01:47 AM
"If, in this age of free enterprise, we are to believe in the freedom of trade, then why not also believe in the freedom of travel? Why does a crate of banana's have more rights of movement than a human being? Open all borders and let the chips fall where they may. There's plenty of people in Europe who would love to emigrate too. Why are we all trapped in the boxes we were born into?" Posted by danskkr January 26, 09 03:51 PM