Friday, 7 November 2008

Graffiti Reborn

So you think you know graffiti? You're down with Banksy. Friends think of you as an expert in street art, perhaps? Think again. Watch and learn...

Image Copyright: Reverse GraffitiThe new graffiti is here, in reverse. It's clean, literally. It's green and greenwash simultaneously. It looks great.

From: Reverse Graffiti Project
" Standing in one of the moss and dirt covered tunnels in Leeds, England, Paul Curtis, "Moose" as he calls himself, saw marks on the wall where the shoulders of unsteady drunks and the fingertips of curious children had exposed the shiny white tile. And with only a pair of socks as his tool, reverse graffiti was born.

Image Copyright: Laura Morton, Reverse GraffitiNo paint. No defacing. Moose makes his art by cleaning; removing the ills of dirt and pollution by de-defacing- wiping away dirt into large type and shapes, leaving nothing behind but a beautiful work of 'green art.'"

Image Copyright: Street Advertising ServicesFrom: Street Advertising Services
"Street Art by Street Advertising Services with Water pressure cleaning is not illegal, we are simply cleaning the streets and are not in breach of the Highway Act"

Further Info:
Reverse Graffiti / Street Advertising Services

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