Thursday, 29 May 2008

MindingThe Gap

Dearest Reader,

I hope this missive finds you well. I would like to apologise for the distinct lack of content over the past few months. This is due predominately to the state of flux brought on by leaving one side of the world for another and all that that entails. Bidding farewell to a certain way of life that had become somewhat comfortable, a wonderful group of friends both old and new, a summer that had delivered on it's promises and a beautifully stunning country with it's enchanting people - these things take a lot of time to plan and get through.

And then The Return Home - Wow! This has been and continues to be a mind blowing experience. To come back to a country you'd not for one moment stopped loving but to have been given the gift of seeing it through the new eyes of one who has spent several years away with only memories and fleeting glimpses to see her through. This is truly an amazing experience. To realise that one's allegiance to home is based on more than a pride in the familiar. To return as though to a best friend and find yourself quite unexpectedly falling in love! This is coming home! It has been wonderful and frustrating and although we're still not quite settled yet, plans are in place and gradually unfolding.

All this Dear Reader - lack of time and a base from which to work - has meant it has been difficult to post my thoughts and findings to you despite the fact that I have thought of you often and composed innumerable posts and musings to you in my meandering mind.

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive the absence and that our relationship can resume once more over the coming weeks.

With kind thoughts and best wishes,
Rache x

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