Christeena, who designed the evening dress as part of an art assignment, was persuaded to enter the competition by a fashion tutor and is so glad she did! Huge congratulations to Christeena for producing such a fine piece of work with sustainable credentials! Lets hope it inspires more young NZ designers to push the boundaries in an ethical and sustainable direction.
From: Sophie Speer, The Southland Times, 30Jul07
Glitz and glamour in Gore
The Award of Excellence went to Aoraki Polytechnic art student Christeena MacDonald-Paed. Her evening dress landed her $10,000 in cash and prizes and the designer was "stunned" to have taken away the top award.
"I keep waiting ... to wake up and (for) them to announce the real winner," Mrs MacDonald-Paed said...
She was inspired by glowmesh wallets of the 1980s and said her main focus was on recycling. The glittering dress resulted from cut-up vinyl records, CDs and watch pieces. "It's about making the precious out of the common," Mrs MacDonald-Paed said."
Full article here
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