Wednesday, 7 October 2009

iknitlinks: Changing Our World One Stitch At A Time

Warming the very cockles of our heart shaped craft world, wonderful news from the knitting world has reached the open doors of bluAngel Almanac. Not only is there heaps going on as usual in the I Knit London department - including book groups, book talks, a knitting weekender, Sunday knit roast (yum) and some fascinating and enchanting films about Lower Marsh SE1 and local specialist shops by getcarterpr - but... wait for it... iknitlinks has begun... *contented, feel-good sigh*

Image Copyright: iknitlinksBut, what is iknitlinks? I here you cry, eager to share in this wealth of loveliness. Let me tell you. iknitlinks is an extraordinary knitting community in the making. This wonderful non-profit community interest company (check it) has been set up by I Knit London needle master Gerard and Stitchlinks' yarn guru Betsan. And their mission? To make a positive difference in the world through knitting. Bless them... no, really - may a thousand blessings rain down upon them and iknitlinks!

Before we get too gushy and teary over this quite lovely enterprise where all profits are directed back into the business (as should happen in all business) and users are aided and encouraged to set up and join our own local community groups for social, health, well-being, educational and any other socially beneficial reason, we'll let iknitlinks explain the project in their own words.
Image Copyright: iknitlinks"I Knit Links is a non-profit Community Interest Company (CIC). As a CIC iknitlinks profits are ploughed back to benefit our knitting community not the company owners.

How it started: Knitting brought together Betsan from Stitchlinks and Gerard from I Knit London. The idea for iknitlinks grew from our friendship and our mutual desire to use knitting to make a difference in the world...

We will:
- Set up a network of knitting groups with the purpose of building local communities.
- Provide a communication network for local community groups to communicate globally.
- Provide an infrastructure for group leaders around the world.

Image Copyright: iknitlinksOur groups will provide a place:
- For local people to meet, chat and knit.
- Where knitters and potential knitters from all backgrounds, beliefs and age groups can mix and make friends to grow safe community networks.
- To grow self esteem and social confidence through learning a new skill or developing and sharing existing knitting abilities.

Our aims are to:
- Promote wellness and positive living.
- Build supportive local and global communities through knitting groups.
- Provide information, training and on going support for group leaders.
- Provide a communication network for group leaders and group participants.
- Put into immediate practice the information arising for Stitchlinks’ research.
- Share our expertise with you.

Image Copyright: iknitlinksWe believe that by changing and nurturing local communities we can ultimately change and nurture the world! Why not join us to be the change you want to see in the world and make this happen?"

bluAngel Almanac is truly touched and inspired. Once you've dried your eyes and thanked the universe for such beautiful people with insightful, generous ideas find out more and sign up here.

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