Ooooh, oooh, oooh! Look what those clever folk at Knit The City have created! Woollen fruit, flowers and other bits strewn across London's churches in a wonderful knitted tribute to the nursery rhyme, Oranges And Lemons - gorgeous!

Yarnstorm is but one of Knit The City's extravagant creations. While Banksy is busy cutting stencils, these crafters are embroiled in needle and yarn guerrilla art works covering the city of London in their colourful work. We like!

Knit The City"Knit the City are a crack team of woolly warriors turning the city Knitwise since February 2009. Knit the City are part of an ongoing campaign to guerrilla knit the city of London, and beyond that the world. No part of the city is safe from Knit the City’s woolly war on the mundane, humdrum and expected. We will bring woolly sunshine to you where ever you dwell. We’re nice like that."
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