Wednesday 11 February 2009

How to Make a One Bobin Scarf

Garden Girl is such an inspiration - is there anything creative this women cannot do!
In this video (part of a series) we are shown how easy it is (relatively speaking) to spin a bobbin full of yarn from natural fibres. But, not content with sourcing natural fibres, presumably from her local shop or farm, the ever resourceful Garden Girl has literally fleeced some freshest of fresh angora from her bunny rabbit - wow!
Unlike commercial media that seems to thrive on making sustainability appear like a very nice but practically impossible to attain nirvana, Garden Girl's videos make us feel as though a simple, sustainable and beautifully creative life is readily available for us all. All it takes is a bit of learning and re-learning. Garden Girl helpfully provides us with easy to follow lessons.
Watch, rate, subscribe and be inspired!

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