Almost 20 years ago, illustrious author Starhawk wrote an inspiring work of fiction called The Fifth Sacred Thing about a successful eco community living in California in a future some 30 odd years from now. Now, at a time when positive visions of our future are most needed, Starhawk and her team plan to make the story into a film. If you've read the book, intend to or simply like what you see in the promo below, please consider supporting the project to make this dream a reality. Thanks.
From: Kickstarter: The Fifth Sacred Thing
"They say that movies are collective dreams. If so, we’re heading for a nightmare—for there are very few films that show a positive future on earth. We want to change that. How can we create a thriving, just and balanced future if we can’t even imagine it? We want to bring alive a vision that can inspire people—and we’ve found the story in Starhawk’s novel, The Fifth Sacred Thing.
In the story, set in 2048, Northern California has survived eco-catastrophes, wars and epidemics and forged a society based on respect for the Four Sacred Things that support life: air, fire, water and earth. Streets are turned into gardens, streams flow free, people of all races and religions live in harmony – until the militarist Southlands attack. How can the people of a peaceful society fight against ruthless invaders without becoming what they’re fighting against? Musician-turned-guerilla Bird, his story-teller grandmother Maya, and Madrone, the healer, must wield a force more powerful than weapons—the fifth sacred thing..."
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