So, we finally have some coherency in terms of Racheblue and bluAngeldesigns’ creative work focus. My Bio on bAd has been updated to reflect this.
I have narrowed down the myriad of ideas that have been engrossing my thoughts, sketchbooks, journals, conversations and canvases over the past few months to what I really want to say, and it is this...
There are two, not entirely exclusive themes: Stories and EcoEthicism
Stories is an exploration into the many different forms of stories that surround us naturally, culturally and historically and those with which we surround ourselves for various reasons of comfort, nostalgia and desire. It is an investigation into the constantly evolving process of remembering, archiving and re-telling of our personal, familial and cultural histories, private and colluded memories, works of 'fiction', fairy tales and so on. The persistent recounting of past events that we seem to thrive on whether they be portrayed as true or fantasy or both.
Stories attempts to show that there are as many untruths in what we accept as 'truth' as there are truths in the fantastical and 'unreal'. It also deals with the way we recount stories, facts and memories to each other. The kind of words we use, the pictures we create and how these 'realities' are in a constant state of flux from the moment they are formed in the mind of the story teller, through the verbal/visual relay, to the acceptance and understanding of the listener/reader/viewer amidst all their preconceptions and trust.
EcoEthicism is the name I have given to the rapidly developing art, design & lifestyle movement that encompasses ethical practises and considerations alongside environmentally sustainable methods of design, creative work processes and lifestyle choices. It flies in the face of the post-industrial materialist society consumed with an over-riding need for making money above all other endeavours.
Due to it's inclusive nature EcoEthicism is not a movement confined to one or another field of creativity. Rather is actively seeks to involve all forms of creative processes into it's arena and break down the hierarchical barriers which currently place certain creative methods above others and allows the terms 'high art' and 'low art' to deem one more precious or prestigious than the other.
I have been writing and developing the theories and concept of EcoEthicism since Oct/Nov 2006 and will publish the manifesto and more information about the birth and adaptation of this movement in due course. In the mean time here is a brief preview.