Well, I didn't win the award this year - maybe next time!

Here's my entry
'Westhaven' (shame the site administrators couldn't spell my name right - what is so difficult about 'Racheblue'? Why do so many insist on adding that extra 'L' as if they are doing a favour to one who clearly has trouble spelling her own name correctly - huff!!)
and the fabulous winning entry 'Celia' by Mark Olsen
Check out the other entries here - there's some great work in there.
I particularly like these:

Jeanine Oxenius's witty 'Hooked on Auckland', the beautiful 'Sweet Manuka Day' by Erika Husselman (another name spelt incorrectly on the White Pages site - not that I'm counting ;p) and Anah Wynn's clever 'Room To Move'

Writing Tools


Shiny Thing




Hmmmm, need more practice....
I'm trying to transform my pencil sketches, which are not at all bad, into the kind of illustrative drawings I adore but can't seem to perfect, not yet anyway. I want, simple, clean but expressive lines, blocked shading, etc. in essence vector created images without using vector tools - c'est impossible? peut-être, mais je persévérerai.
Evidence, in the form of pictures, to follow....
This month, I have been mostly... on the net, updating bAd and setting up my Artfind & VC (Virtual Curator) accounts for selling my paintings. Please feel free to browse these and if you're feeling in need of some new artwork drop me a line - commissions are available on request :)
September also sees the relaunch of Recycling CDs - and the new format is hot hot hot!! Heaps more clock images to browse and buy, a new section to contribute your unwanted CDs and DVDs, a dedicated artists section and of course it's own blog! Overall, a gorgeous, easy to use, brand spanking clean new layout - have a look! Click here to go straight to the bluAngeldesigns section.
p.s. I've also re-quit smoking again - it's been almost a week and the withdrawal is really starting to kick in - so some deep breathing and heaps of water for me then! Oh and lots of chocolate please! (organic or fair trade dark chocolate bars welcome - email me for postal address) ;)
Phew - July sped by and we're half way through August already! We've moved to a beautiful house overlooking the bay. The sea views are enhanced by an enchanting almost tropical landscaped garden and the unique house which was lovingly designed by the artist owner. All in all there is much to be inspired by which is good news as I have heaps to do in order to scrape together a living from this business of being an artist!
I sold a painting at The Original Art Sale in July which was very encouraging and now I'm experimenting with the best ways to sell my work. Artfind looks like a great option and although I'm not entirely convinced that TradeMe is a good way to go (due to the prolific art and hugely varying prices offered) lots of people seem to think it can be profitable. So, I've put a pair of small paintings on there to see what kind of response they receive.
Although I can often be found updating the format to make it as user friendly as possible, bAd digital art seems to be on hold for now as I concentrate on painting which can potentially bring in the much needed dollars to make this all viable! Other projects are in the pipeline and spring is on it's way, so all is good :)
If you live in Auckland, or even if you don't, come and see my work along with heaps of other NZ artists at The Original Art Sale at Eden Park this weekend
The sale starts this Friday 7th (10am - 6pm)
continues Saturday 8th (10am - 6pm)
and finishes Sunday 9th July (11am - 5pm)
Venue: The ASB Stand, Eden Park, Walters Road, Mt Eden, Auckland, NZ
Please visit The Original Art Sale website for more details
May has been a great month! Whilst there is much to be improved (particularly in the sales department), I've put the bAd website to one side for a while to concentrate on my painting.
I'm finishing off a group of works to enter into The Original Art Sale here in NZ. The work is consistent in terms of 'my style' - vivid, expressionistic colour; semi abstract; somewhat figurative but is also very different as I'm constantly experimenting with colour, form and light.
I'm particularly pleased with the most recent pieces in which I have increasingly let my emotions and thoughts dictate the form to create a much more abstract look than in my earlier work.
I've started to break away from the impulsive, somewhat neurotic, desire to create the 'perfect' painting in which every tiny detail has to be 'accurately' painted. Instead of concentrating on minutiae I'm freeing myself from the self inflicted strait jacket and focusing on the big picture. Hmmmm, art imitating life? I must be growing up, ha ha!Pictures to follow...
...don't forget to exhale...
Dear All,
Welcome to bluAngeldesigns, the brand new online gallery of work by artist & designer Racheblue. Here you will find digitally created, original designs & illustrations.
bluAngeldesigns features Racheblue's latest work and will include news of upcoming exhibitions and details of online sales which will be available in the near future.
Enjoy browsing & feel free to join the mailing list to be kept up to date. Should you have any enquiries or requests please contact me at racheblue@bluAngeldesigns.com
Best wishes,
Inspiration borrowed from Susan Kirkland's Blog on Graphics.com
"Jump off the edge and build your wings on the way down." - James Thurber
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic." - Anonymous
"The torment of precautions often exceeds the dangers to be avoided. It is sometimes better to abandon oneself to destiny." - Napoleon Bonaparte
"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. " - Dr. Seuss
Still heaps to do on the bAd website - have taken down gallery pics as WebAlbum isn't as manipulable as I'd like. Working with J-Album at mo unless I can find anything more suitable. I want to get the images up quickly but don't want to sacrifice the bAd style...
Picking up heaps of Photoshop tips from Graphics.com and an old UK Photograpy magazine picked up on holiday. It always amazes me how much is possible on Photoshop - it really is the most amazing tool I've used, so far!
Here's a couple more sketches....busy busy....