Painting in Photoshop – discovered today that it can be very similar to painting with paint on paper or canvas. Using the sampler tool I pick up colours from one area and place them in and around the new area as fairly small spots of colour with around 70% opacity and 90% flow using a 3 pixel point brush. When I think I have enough colour I then change to the smudge tool and using a slightly larger brush size with around 90% strength, I can move the new colours around blending them in with the colours underneath.
For some time I was concentrating on making the colours distinct but when I let go of my focus and let my hands do the work rather than my brain, I realised that the colours were mixing just as they do on my (non-pc) palette or canvas and the effect is very similar and pleasing. Now the colours can blend more easily as I worry less about their placing and “concentrate” on painting as I would do on canvas.